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Política anticorrupción

Política Anticorrupción Kyo Electric 2023

Kyo Electric has implemented a series of regulatory compliance policies that develop ethical and good governance principles and values.

Its commitment to the fight against corruption, this means that the development of its activities is carried out under the principles of honesty, integrity, trustworthiness and responsibility.

The scope of application of this Policy is minimum based and must be known and applied by all Kyo Electric employees. Its objective is the regulation of those behaviors that affect the acceptance and offering of gifts or invitations to influence the decisions of third parties.

This policy is mandatory for all directors, managers and employees of Kyo Electric.

Gifts and invitations prohibitions and acceptable practices

It is prohibited to offer, promise, pay, give or authorize the delivery of gifts and make invitations to any natural or legal person in order to improperly influence a decision, to obtain or maintain business or any other advantage.

Only acceptable practices will be considered:

  • Those that comply with laws and regulations.
  • Delivered or accepted without expectation of reciprocity.
  • And in any case of socially acceptable value and customs, occasional and not excessive.

In case of fairs, presentations and commercial events

  • Expenses associated with the presentation of products at fairs and commercial events may be covered for clients.
  • These types of invitations from suppliers and other business partners may also be accepted as long as they are related to attend to presentations and events.

Internal control and sanctions

All gifts and invitations, both given and received, must be communicated to Kyo Electric Management in writing for internal control.

It is the responsibility of directors, managers and employees to strictly comply with this policy.

Supervision mechanisms will be implemented to verify its application and if there is evidence of possible non-compliance, the appropriate investigation will be carried out.

In case of that non-compliance is confirmed, it will be transferred to Management and Human Resources, evaluating its severity and determining the sanction to be imposed.

Kyo Electric will encourage any employee or collaborator to communicate any suspicion or evidence to Management.



León May 17, 2023